Friday, April 3, 2009

Zul' Farrak

Zul' Farrak . . .. Its an outside Dungeon.. So far the only one I know of ..

Sunglasses anyone?

This was a nice run .. Most of the mobs where lvl .. 42-46 I did not see any higher.
For those that don't know yet Zul' Farrak is located ..In Tenaris ..

You no longer need the .. The Mallet.. The one you had to Travel to Altar of Zul to get it .. from a troll and then take it to an altar .. I don't remember exactly .. how it was ..
it was used to be able to kill .. Gahz'Rilla now just click on the bong and it will work.

Killing "Gahz'Rilla was a blast. I was laughing .. when we all jumped .. up in the sky .. " i forgot to take pictures .. GRRR....
Killing Gahz'Rilla gives you a nice reward. The carrot 3% added Speed to your mount.
Even in Warcraft you need your veggies ..

The Pyramid Battle that was some killing! we let the others do the job and just helped killed the ones that came up to us until the end when they Turned against us and we thought they where our friends and to get to the end boss YOU MUST do the Pyramid battle so it can open the door.

I had fun doing this run not to mention we can Ride our mounts in there ..

A special thanks to everyone that helped made this run possible:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where is Thalanaar?

I was on my way to deliver a quest .. I had to find Thalanaar I was wondering where it was.. I opened my quest log and checked for my way points and it marked right in the border of .. Thousand Needles and Feralas. The cords are 89.56 -45.87
New flight path :) between 2 places cool.